13.09.2024 Aufsatz | Ressort: Digital Finance

Controlling and Data Science: Results of an empirical analysis of job advertisements

As digitalization progresses, the skills required of Controllers are increasing. A large-scale analysis of job advertisements reveals similarities and differences between Controlling and Data Science. The frequently postulated development of the Controller into a Data Scientist cannot be confirmed. Rather, this article discusses the possible positioning of Controlling for collaboration with Data Scientists on an equal footing.


In the current phase of intense technological evolution, an era of disruptive innovation is emerging that is largely characterized by the development of cross-industry technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, blockchain, and robotics. These technologies, individually already impressive in their impact, are unfolding their maximum potential through their convergence. Their combined influence not only has the power to fundamentally transform established business processes and products, but also to create new paradigms that challenge existing business models. One example of this transformative power is autonomous vehicles. As robots on wheels, steered by artificial intelligence and powered by high-performance battery systems, they represent a disruptive force and a turning point in the reshaping not only of the automotive industry, but of the entire mobility landscape. In freight transportation, autonomous commercial vehicles and flying objects are …

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Quelle: Rethinking Finance  | Fundstelle: REF vom 13.06.2024, Heft 03

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